Transformative Seminars
The seminars that our center calls for are a “call for change.” They are a change in the evidence followed by a change in the results. By this we mean that our legal seminars and workshops are not just halls filled with meetings and discussions, but rather distinct places for thought.
Innovative Jurisprudence
Its activities begin by changing the ways of thinking of the targeted jurists, leading to expressing new aspirations in the paths of the text, and then ending with introducing researchers – through the activities of our center – to everything that the views of traditional jurisprudence fell short of, or refused to develop by the minds of innovators (contribute to our legal workshops and be an innovator and a leader).
Topics of the legal seminars
Due to the complexity of the branches of law, our studies on it are diverse, but what concerns us from these studies are the legal figures and their interests:
Seminars for lawyers
Lawyers represent the bridge between reality and law. They did not present people’s problems and disputes, placing them in the realm of proportionality into legal texts that address their facts.
Therefore, lawyers are the most worthy people to join our studies. The fact that what these courses include is a depiction of the reality of the legal problem and the way to deal with it from the diagnostic side, so that this means that the lawyer enrolled in the course obtains “practical value” for his information and the topics of his study, thus reaching the pinnacle of fame due to the accurate weighing of reality and honest confirmation that places him on the scales of justice. For the text – by confirming the assumptions of reality in it – and then the cycle of success is completed in proposing reality and law equally in which only justice appears.
Judges’ seminars
When a judge confines the rules of law to his person, the science of law grows from its objective social scope (with multiple causes and consequences) to its fossilized and rigid personal scope. In the past, it has always been said, “The judge is the law!” Perhaps many judges will find the truth in this saying, as they want to appoint themselves as arbitrator and judge of the text, while they should be under its authority and rule!
Our goal in the seminars addressed to judges is to achieve:
- Scientific methodology and achieving the objectivity required to judge any case; It is not for the judge to decide jurisdiction for himself
- Under penalty of invalidity. Therefore, breaking the necks of the texts after determining the legal jurisdiction of the judge carries the invalidity of the ruling through a wrong (personal) internalization of the idea of right and its center (personality in ruling is the corruption that must be eliminated, and objectivity is on the path to truth).